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Sweet Potato Kale Breakfast Tortilla

Updated: Apr 22, 2023

Mid-morning breakfast club members: this one's for you.

Overhead view of sweet potato kale breakfast tortilla topped with kale and parmesan cheese.

My mother never ate breakfast before 11 am. As a homeschooling mom, she ran from piano practice session to math homework help with a piece of toast in one hand and a plate of scrambled eggs in the other. By the time she sat down to eat, the eggs were cold and the toast was stiff as cardboard.

Lots of us belong to the Late-Morning Breakfast Club. Maybe we aren’t hungry first thing in the morning. Maybe—like my mother—we’re just too busy to stop. Or maybe we do eat, but find ourselves starving again long before lunch.

If you fit any of these categories (or for any other reason are given to prowling around the kitchen or rummaging through desk drawers at 11 am, looking for food), this recipe is for you.

Side view of a wedge of sweet potato kale breakfast tortilla garnished with kale and shaved Parmesan.

Slices of creamy sweet potato, layered with ribbons of kale, jammy onions, and melted Parmesan cheese, and bound together with a thin coat of baked egg. It’s like a giant scalloped potato casserole—except it can be flipped out of the pan whole, sliced into wedges, and served like a frittata. It’s breakfast, it’s a snack, it could be lunch . . . you could even serve it as an appetizer at a holiday party!

Overhead view of sweet potato kale breakfast tortilla garnished with kale and shaved Parmesan in a cast iron pan.

In addition to its versatility, this tortilla is infinitely practical because it can be served at any temperature. It’s delicious served hot out of the oven, but it’s also equally good an hour later at room temperature. You can even make it in advance, refrigerate it, and eat it over the next few days. Whenever you want it, whenever you’re ready, it’s waiting for you. And that makes it ideal for everything from picnics to holiday buffets . . . not to mention mid-morning breakfasts.

With this tortilla in the refrigerator, you’ll never have to worry about satisfying your mid-morning meal needs. So don’t wait. (Remember, you can prep it in advance!) Grab a couple sweet potatoes and a pan, and start caramelizing some onions.



Sweet Potato and Kale Breakfast Tortilla

(Serves 8)

Overhead view of red onions sauteing in a cast iron pan with a wooden spoon.

6 tbsp olive oil, divided

1 small red onion, quartered and thinly sliced

1 ½ tsp Diamond Crystal kosher salt, divided

1 pound sweet potatoes, peeled and thinly sliced (about 2-3 medium)

5 cups kale, destemmed and roughly chopped, plus additional for garnish

½ tsp chili flakes

6 large eggs, beaten

½ cup shredded Parmesan cheese, plus more for sprinkling and garnish

Cracked black pepper

Special equipment: cast iron pan or nonstick oven-safe pan


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F.

Heat a nonstick oven-proof pan or cast-iron pan over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons oil, sliced onion, and ¼ tsp salt and cook, stirring occasionally, until the onions have softened and started to turn golden brown, about 5-8 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons oil to the pan, then sweet potatoes and ½ tsp salt. Cook sweet potatoes over medium heat until just tender, about 6-8 minutes, flipping to redistribute every few minutes. Remove to a large bowl, leaving all oil possible in the pan.

Side view of sauteed sweet potato slices, red onion, and kale, in a metal bowl.

Add kale to the pan; season with ½ tsp salt and chili flakes. Saute until the kale has just wilted, about 1 minute. Remove to the bowl with the sweet potatoes and onions.

In another bowl, beat eggs and stir in ½ cup Parmesan, remaining ¼ tsp salt and black pepper. Pour egg mixture over the sauteed vegetables and fold in gently to ensure everything is evenly coated.

Heat the pan over medium heat and add remaining 2 tablespoons oil. Pour in egg-coated vegetables and pat down to ensure the mixture is lying level in the pan. Cook until the edges seem to be set, about 5 minutes. Sprinkle with remaining Parmesan, and bake in the preheated oven for 10-15 minutes or until set.

Remove from the oven and allow to rest for at least 5 minutes before removing from the pan. Serve garnished with additional Parmesan, black pepper, and kale, if desired.

Overhead view of sweet potato kale breakfast tortilla cooking in a cast iron pan on the stove.

Originally posted October 2, 2020.


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